we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Standing on chairs.

Why is standing on chairs so fun?
Why, I ask?
Is it because you are taller than everyone else?
Blink by Malcom Gladwell may have something to say about this...

It's also fun to be able to stretch one's calf muscles.


Dan said...

Standing on chairs is fun because it is not allowed, and anything we are not allowed to do is fun.

Also it makes everyone stay on ine place, you can't wander off to get a drink if you are standing on a chair.

And anyway it isn't fun.

Jess said...

Have you tried it? No. Silly man.

Bridget said...

"on ine place"... haha. Those are the keys you can't see, ay? Lol.

I think it's fun.
Until you fall off.
Then it's stupid, and the only reason you were doing it was because Jesska did it first and you couldn't allow a moral defeat by getting down.

Bridget said...

(In reply to jess's comment...)
Yeah Dad.
Take that!

Jess said...

There is a thought experiment in 'The Pig' which would certainly cause you some problems.

Jess said...

Perhaps standing on a chair is a feminine thing to do and finding a rational explanation for it is a masculine thing.

Jess said...

Although I find it fun to find rational explanations for things which are clearly irrational, or non-rational, they are really only so I can have a fun discussion with someone over something like why flipping a coin is rational. It is!

Bridget said...

But then we could say that about anything Dad does, since we have him outnumbered four-one. Or three-one, since mum's not on the blog.
I like it as an arguement.

Jess said...

You're right. I revise what I said earlier - trying to find rational explanations for irrational or non-rational things is a 'Dad' thing.

Bridget said...

And finding irrational arguements for things is a "me" thing.
That means you get non-rational, and ellen doesn't talk too much cause she types to slow.

Bridget said...
